If you would like to remain anonymous, please type the name of your company instead of your personal name in the name field. This will allow us to keep your responses confidential while still being able to analyze the data effectively.
First Name
Last Name
What's the best way to inform you of our corporate wellness initiatives?
Call (leave a message)
Text (only for prefer program options)
Email (twice a month)
None of the above
Is your job remote?
Yes, 100% remote
Yes, more than 75% remote
Yes, 50% remote
Yes, less than 50% remote
Which classes are you interested in attending?
Select all that apply.
Core Class
What would be the most convenient time for you to focus on your wellness on campus?
11:00am to 2:30pm
4pm to 5pm
After 6pm
How do you invest in your personal health?
Quality Sleep
Intruitive Eating
None of the above
Other (kindly let us know).
Which of the following nutrition services would you be most interested in participating in?
Please select all that apply
One-on-one nutrition counseling with a certified nutrition coach
Group nutrition classes or workshops
Meal planning and prep assistance
Nutritional supplements or meal replacement programs
Online nutrition resources or coaching
Which wellness spa services do you plan on booking?
Select all that apply?
Massages (Swedish, Deep tissue, Aromatherapy etc)
Detox services (Sauna Pods, Foot Detox, Reflexology, Vibration Therapy)
Body Sculpting (Laser Lipo, Wood Therapy, Ultrasound Caviation)
Is there any wellness program that your company offers on a regular basis?
Fitness Programs: Some companies offer their employees access to fitness programs, such as gym memberships or fitness classes.
Mental Health Support: Many companies are recognizing the importance of mental health and offer support in the form of counseling or therapy services.
Nutrition Education: Companies may offer nutrition education programs or access to healthy snacks and meals to promote healthy eating habits among employees.
Stress Reduction Programs: Stress is a major factor in employee health and well-being. Companies may offer stress reduction programs such as yoga or meditation classes, or even on-site massage services.
Financial Wellness Programs: Financial stress can have a significant impact on employee well-being. Companies may offer financial wellness programs to help employees manage their finances and reduce stress related to money.
On which days would you prefer to have your wellness activites or event on campus?
Please select all that apply.
Do any of these factors prevent you from adopting a healthier lifestyle while at work? Listed below are the potential factors:
Select all that apply.
Insufficient time due to work obligations.
Lack of on-site workout facilities or equipment at the workplace.
Absence of showering facilities.
Feeling uncomfortable exercising in front of colleagues.
Lack of motivation or interest in exercising at work.